Tom Palzewicz's Campaign
3 min readOct 19, 2020

Brookfield, WI — President Donald Trump does not believe in climate change, and as America’s chief executive, he doesn’t allow anyone else to believe in it either. Democrat Tom Palzewicz is running for the Fifth Congressional District seat to bring climate change into the forefront and fight against those who deny the issue.

The wildfires in the west and the hurricanes in the east have come with alarming regularity. “Hundred year” events are now routine. What was a prediction of dire consequence thirty years ago, is the reality of today. Climate change is the truth and it is not so much of an inconvenient truth as it is an all too obvious and ominous warning that bad days are ahead. It is more than a mere concern for Palzewicz, who heads the warning of the scientific community.

“If what is happening right now doesn’t scare you, it should. There are Republicans out there who want to lead and take a stand on climate change, but they can’t, because Trump will rail against them or party leadership will take a negative action,” said Palzewicz. “Autocratic leaders do not allow anyone to get out of line. Toe the party line, or else. Populist movements all to often turn into fascist regimes.”

“It’s the same principle that states that I can’t wear a mask because our president doesn’t wear a mask. And if we’re going to show loyalty, we have to be in lockstep with our President. There are plenty of Republicans, especially young Republicans, who know that we’re feeding into the climate crisis. But if they actually say it out loud and want to do something about it, the President will figure out some way to get them defeated in the next election. That’s their fear.”

The fear of reprisal can motivate people to comply with something they don’t believe in. Throughout history, countries have been led down the wrong path by autocratic strongmen, who lead by intimidation and fear, rather than by the consent of the people.

“The wildfires, the extreme hurricane activity are evidence enough that we have a problem,” said Palzewicz. “It’s a problem that will eventually kill every living thing on the planet, if left unchecked. California’s fires alone should be enough to convince even the most stubborn critic, but the authoritarian rulers brush it aside, because it is to their financial advantage to ignore the problem.”

“Coal and fossil fuel consumption, air pollution, greenhouse gasses are all buzzwords kicked around by politicians, but they are never topics of serious discussion. The lobbying is powerful and we are a nation heavily influenced by lobbyists who make millions promoting something they don’t believe in.”

Palzewicz believes we can take major steps in improving the environment and create a new, vibrant economy while doing it. Alternatives to fossil fuels are abundant and proving to be cost-effective, clean and most of all, renewable.

“The fight against any green energy alternatives is not about the effectiveness of the alternative energy source, it’s about greed and corruption,” said Palzewicz. “The oil companies will tell you they are doing their part. They aren’t doing anything but destroying the environment. There’s a lot of money to be made by a small number of people and they are not going to let that go without a major fight. If the fossil fuel energy companies win, America will lose. It’s only a matter of time.”



Tom Palzewicz's Campaign

Dad/Husband/Business Owner/ Vet/ Dem/Human | 2020 Candidate for WI’s 5th Congressional District. We are all in this together.